Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Yep. That's what I feel like saying over and over again. Since 6 pm yesterday, when term officially ended for me. 2nd term that is. Started way back on 3rd January I think. Exams are still round the corner though. Just cooling off for a couple of days before the final push. God! Feels like I'm delivering a baby every term or something....Final Push!?!

And yes, I'm doing Summer School, but hopefully will finish by end-June. In fact, have to go online in around 3 hours to choose courses. That's why I'm up this late. Yeah. I'm scared that I won't be able to get up in time. LOL!

Last Sunday night was one crazy night. I am the most pathetic person in the whole world. I was already running 2 days late on a big 1500 word essay, still I put that one off for the last minute (last night to be more precise), and then had to pull an all-nighter. My brother helped me a lot (what's the use of having a brother in Marketing if you don't pester him into helping with assignments?? :P).

I almost, almost fell asleep. But I willed myself on, kept telling myself "I want to hand it in tomorrow". I did half of it and then almost dozed off. Not almost, I actually did. For about 5-10 minutes. You know sometimes you have these stupid dreams, where you fall off the stairs or something and you are suddenly jolted awake. Same thing happened, don't remember what the dream was. But my heart was beating really fast, so it must have been a terrifying one. Well whatever, I have a fragile head anyways. Keeps playing games with me sometimes. I have epilepsy.

Conversation between Me and Me:
"Damn you! You bitch....why do you always keep everything for the last minute?...Because I like living on the edge, you know...the fast lane....yeah that's being a smartass now eh? Haha....damn you...damn me. Ok...let's see now....we need coffee....strong...Has dada gone to sleep...oh no...good...then the stupid microwave's 'peeek peeek' won't be a problem...aahh now let's see...4 sugar cubes...No 3....I have to reduce my sugar big spoonful of coffee...and here we go.....oh shit I need to shit....dude you gotta have some schedule in life...kya yaar shit ka bhi schedule chahiye kya....(*shit*)...achchha now done...where's the coffee...oh beside the comp...its still hot...yay.....achchha so where were we?....Kotler? STP?....did we get to that already...we're more than halfway through...let's see who's online....dumbfuck...stupid fuck....Kotler is not halfway and we have 4 more pages to go....but MSN?....NO.....I can't understand why we have to write about advertising and marketing in Visual Culture anyways.....I'm not gonna get this done by way...I have like 8 hours....oh 8 hours...maybe I will then...wait i still have to do the Bibliographies....and the images...damn...hmmm.....shit I gotta do better than a 60 this 80 wait you have 6 marks off anyways....Damn you! You bitch....why do you always keep everything for the last minute?...."

I finished at 9 am. Re-read and revised it. Attached images (of a Coke marketing campaign), did the bibliography and printed it off. Remembered that I had to do a final revision of one of my writing pieces (remember 'Green Vase') for my Writing Class. Yep it was submission day for that course too. Hope I do well. So far, my Prof. has suggested that I'm about B/B+ material as far as 3 of my pieces are concerned. Man! And I thought I was good at writing and stuff. Life does shock you sometimes. Must admit.

So here I am...once again. With no idea whatsoever about what i want to do in life.

P.S. Forgot to mention that my brother's here on a 2 week visit. :)


Blogger Nirwa Mehta said...

"oh shit I need to shit" - quotes taken out of context can have hazardous effects! :P :P :P

Now, go sleep! :P :P :P

Or you want me to sing you a lullaby?? Don't blame me if you wake up screaming, then! :P

Nice post! :)


7:01 AM  

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