Sunday, December 18, 2005
A little bit of nonsense
......about a girl at school,she was dumb.she should have been a son.i kissed molly's lips.she sed we shud was a total lounge act with lithium and territorial pissings.she sed rape me.and i dived.everything was in bloom when she sed im gonna drain you.we came as we were.i was on a plain but there was something in the way.she asked me where did you sleep last night.i sed turnaround and stay away.she sed fuck u; smells like.....???? Milk it?
I never make any sense.Touche.Touche.
Inspiration Courtesy: Nirvana (for the less enlightened)
I never make any sense.Touche.Touche.
Inspiration Courtesy: Nirvana (for the less enlightened)
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005

"Wont you believe it, just my luck.
No recess!??!"
That's what Cobain said on "School" (which by the way is an awesome song!), and which is the way I feel with all this unrelenting work. Its not like I'm studying 24 hours or anything, but there IS pressure. Last few weeks have been a bit strenuous. Get this. Within the space of 2 weeks I have submitted 3 major essays, averaging about 20% each, made my first web-page (don't ask how...had no idea about html), gone to the Royal Ontario Museum 3 times for my Art History assignment (to examine a sculpture of Mary and Jesus; something like my sketch of it: look up) and written that assignment which took me almost all night, twice! Again don't ask me why or how. WTF!
And there were interesting revelations on the way. I realized I could actually sketch. Hehe. I mean c'mon that ain't a bad sketch eh? By the way don't mind the "eh" eh. It's a Canadian way of life. Not that I'm turning phorener and all, but you do tend to pick up some things. Hehe. Now thats the opposite of eheh eh!?! Bad joke.
If any of the people reading this love Nirvana and loved "Oh me!" on MTV Unplugged, then you just have GOT to listen to the original by the Meat Puppets. Very very nice.
Oh and by the way, next time you guys talk to me, know that you are talking to an Art History student who's conversant with analysis techniques and philosophies like Formalism, Iconography, Structuralism, Deconstruction et al. It is NOT a lot of fun though. Like Cobain said....."Oh me!"